HR Talent Management Leader - English & German speaking

Primary specialism: Talent Management

Markets with deep expertise: Europe (EU; UK; Nordics, Switzerland), North America, Asia (India, China, Korea, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia)

Languages : English & German

Salary expectations: equivalent CHF225.000 + benefits

Workforce types directly supported: C site; leadership, exempt/non exempt; with the workforces typically found in a global company

Current home country: Switzerland with British & Swiss passports and options to be mobile for work across Europe, Middle East and North America

Team management: Have led teams of circa 20 and am happy to be leading another team or to add value as a sole contributor as required

Current/recent employer: Current company over 10,000 FTE over 150 locations and annual revenues circa CHF 3 billion. Previous employer in automotive sector with over 100.000 FTE globally and annual revenues over €10 billion.

Remits of particular interest: Talent management and/or HR leadership roles, ideally global and covering complete employee lifecycles and strategic value generation. Whilst I operate currently at SVP level I am not "stuck" to job titles, but am instead attracted to exciting work.

Unique expertise: Early career in sales, marketing and communications resulting in a deeper business background that many other HR professionals do not process. Certified in numerous psychological instruments and am a certified Executive Coach. Am a published author and have run my own small HR consultancy so also have that level of sales, business development and start up experience.

Commerciality: Many examples inclusive of:

  • Optimised recruitment operations, reducing costs by 2M CHF per year by using best in class digital platforms that enabled a fivefold increase in applications and corresponding tripling of new hires in three years.

  • Enabled organisation to introduce 200+ improvement measures based on employee feedback collated from three global engagement surveys; run 100% online in 24 languages and with 70%+ global participation.

Strengths: 3 mantras: humble; multi tasked achiever; never give up.

Need to know: Rather than me tell you I prefer to let someone else share their thoughts about "why me": The following quote is from my MBA Professor. I am truly proud to be one of his 15-20 "lifetime career" students he remembers. He writes : "A lucky professor has 15 or 20 students over a career that he or she never forgets. For me, this person is one of those students. He was in two classes with me and I supervised his EMBA Thesis. He is a thorough professional, was a team leader/member on several winning Living Case teams and a student of the highest quality. If you get a chance, work with him in anyway you can.....”

CMTS reference P0056519