Shared Services Expert with global WorkDay implementation experience
Primary specialism: Shared Services
Markets with deep expertise: Deep experience in UK, Continental Europe, Asia, Australia and US
Languages : English
Salary expectations: from GBP 170,000 base
Workforce types directly supported: Corporate functions, Sales and Marketing, Manufacturing, Logistics, Scientists, Research & Development, Financial Services and Banking, Consulting
Current home country: United Kingdom
Mobility: Home country only for base, but no restrictions on travel
Team management: Direct reports 5-10, indirect reports up to 450
Current/recent employer: circa 15,000 employees globally, circa USD 5 billion revenues
Remits of particular interest: A VP level role in a Fortune 500 large organisation or similar where I can take full responsibility for significant HR transformation
Unique expertise: Has set up Shared Service Centres and run large scale HR transformation projects in 50+ countries
Commerciality: Led on a WorkDay implementation across the globe, and was "live" in months due to his expertise, which resulted in significant savings for the company. Has consistently and significantly reduced recruitment costs with his process efficiencies.
Strengths: Ability to successfully manage large scale HR transformation in complex, matrix organisations.
Need to know: Is passionate about the 'future of HR' and it's digital transformation. Is apparently known as a thought leader in this field with strong and current networks
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CMTS reference: PEJF-666268